Tuesday 16 September 2008

James Gillray (1756 - 1815)

James Gillray was born on 13th.August 1756 and was the only one of his parents' five children to survive childhood. Gillray's father, a Scot, had become a member of an austere and strict evangelical sect called the Moravian Brotherhood and in 1749 had been appointed sexton of the Moravian Chapel in Chelsea.

From: http://www.mostlymaps.com/reference/Caricatures/james-gillray.php

Gillray's best-known cartoon, The Plumb-Pudding in Danger, which shows Pitt and Nap carving up the globe between them has had many imitators in which the globe becomes a head, with such excellent ones as Nicholas Garland's Mrs Thatcher and David Steel carving up Denis Healey's head, and Richard Cole's 1996 version where Kohl and Blair carve up that of John Major.

From: http://www.socialaffairsunit.org.uk/blog/archives/001749.php

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